1.宁波大学 机械工程与力学学院,浙江 宁波 315211
2.上海交通大学 机械与动力工程学院,上海 200240
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CHENG Tao,XIANG Sitong,ZHANG Hainan,et al.Geometric error identification of rotary axes based on misaligned tower-shaped artefact[J].Optics and Precision Engineering,2023,31(21):3125-3134.
程涛,项四通,张海南等.基于错位塔形工件的旋转轴几何误差辨识[J].光学精密工程,2023,31(21):3125-3134. DOI: 10.37188/OPE.20233121.3125.
CHENG Tao,XIANG Sitong,ZHANG Hainan,et al.Geometric error identification of rotary axes based on misaligned tower-shaped artefact[J].Optics and Precision Engineering,2023,31(21):3125-3134. DOI: 10.37188/OPE.20233121.3125.
旋转轴的几何误差直接影响五轴机床的加工精度,但由于其误差项多且高度耦合,因此辨识难度较大。提出了一种工件切削在机测量方法,用于辨识五轴机床旋转轴6项与位置相关的几何误差。设计并加工一种错位塔形工件,它由三层错位叠加的矩形块组成。在工件不同层级的底面与侧面布置测点并进行在机测量,基于空间误差模型推导出每项误差的辨识原理与解析解,并采用蒙特卡洛模拟进行不确定性分析。最后,通过与球杆仪误差辨识方法进行对比验证,线性误差,E,XC,,,E,YC,与,E,ZC,的辨识结果偏差最大为2.7,,-,1.7与,-,1.3 μm;角度误差,E,AC,,,E,BC,与,E,CC,的辨识结果偏差最大为1.3″,,-,0.6″与,-,2.1″,两者辨识平均吻合度达95.4%。本方法通过工件切削与在机测量,每项误差的辨识原理与解析解形式简单,可辨识实际工况下的旋转轴6项位置相关的几何误差。
The geometric error of the rotary axis significantly impacts the machining accuracy of the five-axis machine tool. However, its identification is challenging due to the multitude of error terms and high coupling. This paper introduces a novel machining test and on-machine measurement method designed to identify the six position-dependent geometric errors (PDGE) of the rotary axis. Initially, a misaligned tower-shaped artifact, consisting of three layers of misaligned superimposed rectangular blocks, was designed and processed. Subsequently, measurement points were strategically arranged on the bottom and sides of the artifact at different levels, and on-machine measurements were executed. Using the volumetric error model, the identification principle and analytical solution for each error were derived, and uncertainty analysis was conducted through Monte Carlo simulation. Comparing with the ball-bar error identification method, the maximum deviation of the linearity errors ,E,XC,, ,E,YC, and ,E,ZC, are 2.7 μm, ,-,1.7 μm and ,-,1.3 μm, respectively. Meanwhile, the maximum deviation of the angle errorsthe maximum deviation of the angle errors ,E,AC,, ,E,BC, and ,E,CC, are 1.3", ,-,0.6", and ,-,2.1", respectively, with an overall agreement degree of 95.4% for the PDGE. Through the machining test and on-machine measurement, the identification principles and analytical solutions for each error are straightforward, allowing for the identification of the six PDGE of the rotary axis under actual working conditions.
five-axis machine toolrotary axisgeometric errorerror identificationmachining teston-machine measurement
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