1.中国计量科学研究院 时间频率计量科学所,北京 100029
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Chun-jian LI, Shu-qing WU, Duo-wu SU, et al. Improvement method for type A uncertainty of interferometric gravimeter. [J]. Optics and Precision Engineering 29(7):1527-1538(2021)
Chun-jian LI, Shu-qing WU, Duo-wu SU, et al. Improvement method for type A uncertainty of interferometric gravimeter. [J]. Optics and Precision Engineering 29(7):1527-1538(2021) DOI: 10.37188/OPE.2020.0566.
An interferometric gravimeter monitors the trajectory of a free-falling object using a Michelson laser interferometer. The reference mirror of the interferometer, relative to the center of the earth, must be static. However, its vibration, according to ground vibrations, is inevitable and causes a deviation between the dropper displacement relative to the center of the earth and that monitored via optical interferometry. This directly impacts the measurement accuracy for a single drop and many scattered drops. Therefore, a vibration compensation method, which compensates the dropper displacement measured via optical interferometry according to ground vibrations monitored by a high-precision ultra-low frequency vibration sensor, is proposed herein for a NIM-3A absolute gravimeter. Experimental results indicate that type A uncertainty of NIM-3A was 7.8 times optimized, without system deviations. The proposed method effectively improves the measurement accuracy for a single drop and many scattered drops and type A uncertainty of NIM-3A without system deviations.
interferometric measurementabsolute gravimetervibration compensation methodtype A uncertaintydispersion
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