1.西安建筑科技大学 理学院,陕西 西安 710055
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Qing-jiang CHEN, Qian-nan HU, Jin-yang LI. Image deblurring based on multi-scale alternating connection residual network. [J]. Optics and Precision Engineering 29(7):1686-1694(2021)
Qing-jiang CHEN, Qian-nan HU, Jin-yang LI. Image deblurring based on multi-scale alternating connection residual network. [J]. Optics and Precision Engineering 29(7):1686-1694(2021) DOI: 10.37188/OPE.20212907.1686.
为更好地解决由于相机抖动、物体之间相对运动等因素引起的图像模糊问题,本文设计了一种多尺度交替连接残差网络用于图像去模糊,采用“从粗到细”的多尺度方式来逐渐恢复出清晰图像。首先,提出一种多尺度残差模块来拓展网络宽度,提取并融合不同尺度之间的特征信息;其次,提出一种基于扩张卷积的交替连接残差模块来逐渐恢复模糊图像的高频信息;最后,利用一层卷积来对特征图进行重建。实验结果表明:本文所提去模糊算法的峰值信噪比以及结构相似度分别为32.313 6 dB和0.942 5,均高于目前先进的图像去模糊技术。从评价指标和主观效果上均可看出本文所提去模糊方法具有更强的图像恢复能力,纹理细节更丰富,能够有效提升图像去模糊效果,具有更强的实用价值。
To solve the problem of image blur caused by camera jitter, the relative motion between objects, and other factors, a multi-scale alternating-connection residual network is designed in this study for image deblurring, and the “coarse to fine” multi-scale method is used to gradually restore the clear image. First, a multi-scale residual module is proposed to expand the network width, and to extract and fuse the feature information between different scales. Second, an alternating-connection residual module based on dilated convolution is proposed to gradually recover the high-frequency information of the fuzzy image. Finally, a convolution layer is used to reconstruct the feature map. The experimental results show that the peak signal-to-noise ratio (PSNR) and structural similarity (SSIM) of the proposed method are 32.3136 dB and 0.9425, respectively, better than those obtained by the current image deblurring techniques. The evaluation index and subjective effect suggest that the proposed deblurring method has stronger image restoration ability, richer texture details, can effectively improve the image deblurring effect, and has higher practical value.
image deblurringmulti-scale residualdilated convolutionalternate connection residualreceptive field
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