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LÜ Qixin, SHI Fangyuan, BAI Qian, et al. Polarized laser scattering detection method for subsurface microcracks in quartz glass. [J]. Optics and Precision Engineering 31(14):2031-2039(2023)
LÜ Qixin, SHI Fangyuan, BAI Qian, et al. Polarized laser scattering detection method for subsurface microcracks in quartz glass. [J]. Optics and Precision Engineering 31(14):2031-2039(2023) DOI: 10.37188/OPE.20233114.2031.
石英玻璃等光学硬脆材料在加工过程中不可避免地产生亚表面微裂纹,从而对光学元件的使役性能具有显著影响。因此,石英玻璃亚表面微裂纹的无损检测对于优化石英玻璃加工工艺进而提高加工质量具有十分重要的意义。提出了基于偏振激光散射(Polarized Laser Scattering, PLS)的石英玻璃亚表面微裂纹检测方法,搭建了PLS无损检测系统。通过压痕实验以20 mN,50 mN,100 mN压力制备亚表面微裂纹深度为5.27 μm,9.7 μm,15.42 μm的压痕试样,使用PLS检测系统对压痕试样进行无损检测,探究PLS信号与亚表面微裂纹深度的对应关系。通过不同粒径磨粒(1~20 μm)研磨制备亚表面微裂纹深度为1~10 μm的研磨试样,发现研磨PLS检测信号与亚表面裂纹深度之间呈幂函数关系。搭建的PLS检测系统可以对深度小于10 μm的石英玻璃亚表面微裂纹进行有效检测与量化。PLS检测系统检测结果可实现研磨石英玻璃微裂纹检测,进而为亚表面微裂纹控制及加工工艺优化提供指导。
Subsurface microcracking is an unavoidable consequence of the quartz glass grinding process, and it significantly affects the service performance of optical components. Therefore, nondestructive detection of subsurface microcracks in quartz glass is crucial for grinding process optimization. Accordingly, herein, a polarized laser scattering (PLS)-based method for detecting subsurface microcracks in quartz glass was developed. For this, a PLS nondestructive inspection platform was established. Indentation specimens with subsurface microcrack depths of 5.27, 9.7, and 15.42 μm were prepared via indentation experiments at pressure values of 20, 50, and 100 mN, respectively. Furthermore, ground specimens with subsurface microcrack depths ranging from 1-10 μm were prepared via grinding with different abrasive particle sizes (1-20 μm). A power function relationship between the PLS detection signal and subsurface crack depth was discovered. The developed PLS detection system effectively detected and quantified subsurface microcracks with depths less than 10 μm. Thus, the developed PLS detection system enables microcrack detection in ground quartz glass, providing valuable guidance for subsurface microcrack control and process optimization.
polarized laser scatteringsubsurface microcrackindentationgrindingquartz glass
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