1.西安建筑科技大学 理学院,陕西 西安 710055
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CHEN Qingjiang, GU Yuan. Low-light image enhancement algorithm based on multi-channel fusion attention network. [J]. Optics and Precision Engineering 31(14):2111-2122(2023)
CHEN Qingjiang, GU Yuan. Low-light image enhancement algorithm based on multi-channel fusion attention network. [J]. Optics and Precision Engineering 31(14):2111-2122(2023) DOI: 10.37188/OPE.20233114.2111.
针对低照度图像亮度低、对比度低、颜色失真以及现有增强算法大多没有区别处理不同的通道,不利于提取多层次特征的问题,提出多通道融合注意力网络的低照度图像增强算法。首先,通过将八度卷积(Octave Convolution, OctConv)引入通道拆分后的残差结构中提出多层级特征提取模块;其次,利用注意力机制与交叉残差结构提出跨尺度特征注意模块;再次,通过大小与通道数不同的模块堆叠的方式获取多层次信息;最后,在通道维度上进行特征融合,并通过重建模块获得输出。实验结果表明,与RISSNet算法相比,在真实图像上的峰值信噪比与结构相似度分别由27.001 6 dB和0.889 2提升到27.978 1 dB和0.925 5。所提算法在峰值信噪比、结构相似度、均方误差、视觉信息保真度4种客观评价指标上均获得了最好的结果。该算法能够有效地提高低照度图像的亮度及对比度,且图像纹理细节及色彩保持较好。
Low-light images have low brightness, low contrast, and color distortion, and most existing enhancement algorithms do not deal with different channels differently, which is not conducive to the extraction of multi-level features. Therefore, this study proposes a low-light image enhancement algorithm based on a multi-channel fusion attention network. Firstly, we introduced octave convolution (OctConv) into the residual structure after channel splitting and propose a multi-level feature extraction module. Secondly, we proposed a cross-scale feature attention module using an attention mechanism and cross-residual structure. Thirdly, we obtained multi-level information by stacking modules with different sizes and channels. Finally, we performed feature fusion in the channel dimension and obtained the final output through the reconstruction module. The experimental results showed that compared with the RISSNet algorithm, the peak signal-to-noise ratio and structural similarity of real images were improved from 27.001 6 dB and 0.889 2 to 27.978 1 dB and 0.925 5, respectively. The proposed algorithm achieved the best results in four objective evaluation indicators: peak signal-to-noise ratio, structural similarity, mean squared error, and visual information fidelity. The algorithm can effectively improve the brightness and contrast of low-light images with well-maintained image textures and colors.
image enhancementlow lightattention mechanismmulti-channelOctConv
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