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LIU Libo, XI Siyu, DENG Zhen. Weather recognition combining improved ConvNeXt models with knowledge distillation. [J]. Optics and Precision Engineering 31(14):2123-2134(2023)
LIU Libo, XI Siyu, DENG Zhen. Weather recognition combining improved ConvNeXt models with knowledge distillation. [J]. Optics and Precision Engineering 31(14):2123-2134(2023) DOI: 10.37188/OPE.20233114.2123.
为提升复杂交通场景下天气识别准确率的同时实现网络轻量化,提出了一种结合改进ConvNeXt网络与知识蒸馏的天气识别方法。首先,在ConvNeXt网络的每组Block特征提取块后加入SimAm注意力机制,构建ConvNeXt_F网络,利用SimAm注意力机制对Block块提取的深层特征进行鉴权并校正权重,有效强化对天气判别性特征的捕获能力;其次,在网络训练过程中将Equalized Focal Loss(EFL)与Mutual-Channel Loss(MCL)采用平均占比的方式进行累加作为总损失函数,一方面利用EFL消除数据不均衡造成的影响,另一方面利用MCL减小同类天气下局部细节特征差异;最后,采用知识蒸馏技术将天气分类知识从ConvNeXt_F网络迁移到轻量级MobileNetV3网络,虽然精度略微损失但网络参数量大幅减少。实验结果表明,与其他算法相比,所提方法在本文构建的宁夏高速公路场景下的天气数据集weather-traffic和公开的自然天气数据集RSCM2017上准确率分别达到96.22%,84.8%,FPS分别达到157.6 Hz,137.6 Hz,FLOPs和Params仅为0.06 G和2.54 M,识别精度、速度和网络的轻量化较原网络均有提高,能够更好地应用于储存和计算能力受限的实际场景中。
A weather recognition method combining an improved ConvNeXt network and knowledge distillation is proposed to improve the accuracy of weather recognition in complex traffic scenes while achieving network lightweighting. Firstly, the ConvNeXt_F network was constructed, and the SimAm attention mechanism was added after each set of Block feature extraction of the ConvNeXt network to correct the weights of the extracted deep features and strengthen the ability to capture discriminative weather features. Secondly, during the network training, equalized focal loss (EFL) and mutual-channel loss (MCL) were aggregated as the total loss function by using the average occupancy ratio, eliminating the effect caused by data imbalance using EFL and reducing the difference of local detail features under similar weather using MCL. Finally, the knowledge distillation technique was used to migrate the weather classification knowledge from the ConvNeXt_F network to the lightweight MobileNetV3 network, which has a marginal loss of accuracy but significant reduction in the number of network parameters. The experimental results showed that compared with other algorithms, the proposed method achieved 96.22% and 84.8% accuracy on the weather-traffic dataset of Ningxia expressway and publicly-available natural weather dataset RSCM2017, respectively; the FPSs were 157.6 Hz and 137.6 Hz and FLOPs and Params were 0.06 G and 2.54 M. Compared with the original network, the recognition accuracy, speed, and lightness of the network were improved, making it better applicable to practical scenarios with limited storage and computational power.
weather recognitionConvNeXt networkattention mechanismknowledge distillation
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