1.中国矿业大学 计算机科学与技术学院,江苏 徐州 221116
2.中国矿业大学 信息与控制工程学院,江苏 徐州 221116
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KOU Qiqi, LI Chao, CHENG Deqiang, et al. Image super-resolution reconstruction based on attention and wide-activated dense residual network. [J]. Optics and Precision Engineering 31(15):2273-2286(2023)
KOU Qiqi, LI Chao, CHENG Deqiang, et al. Image super-resolution reconstruction based on attention and wide-activated dense residual network. [J]. Optics and Precision Engineering 31(15):2273-2286(2023) DOI: 10.37188/OPE.20233115.2273.
针对全局和局部高低频空间信息利用不足而导致重建图像纹理细节模糊的问题,提出一种基于注意力和宽激活密集残差网络的图像超分辨率重建模型。首先,四个不同尺度且平行的卷积核被用来充分提取图像低频特征作为空间特征转换的先验信息。在深层特征映射模块中构建融合注意力的宽激活残差块,并利用低频先验信息来引导高频特征的提取。该宽激活残差块通过扩大激活函数前的特征通道数来提取更深层次的特征图,且所构造的全局和局部残差连接在加强残差块和网络特征前向传播的同时,在不增加参数情况下使得所提取特征的多样性更加丰富。最后,对得到的特征图进行上采样和重建以得到清晰的高分辨率图像。实验表明,所提算法在BSD100数据集上4倍超分辨率时,相比LatticeNet模型的PSNR指标提升了0.14 dB,SSIM提升了0.001,在主观视觉方面,重建出的图像局部纹理细节也更加清晰。
To address the problem of the blurring of the texture details of reconstructed images due to the insufficient utilization of global and local high- and low-frequency spatial information, this paper proposes an image super-resolution reconstruction model based on attention and a wide-activated dense residual network. First, four parallel convolution kernels with different scales are used to fully extract the low-frequency features of the image as the prior information for spatial feature transformation. Second, a wide-activated residual block fused with attention is constructed in the deep feature mapping module, and the low-frequency prior information is used to guide the extraction of the high-frequency features. In addition, the wide-activated residual block extracts deeper feature maps by expanding the number of feature channels before the activation function. As a result, the constructed global and local residual connections not only strengthen the forward propagation of the residual blocks and network features, but also enrich the diversity of the extracted features without increasing the number of parameters. Finally, the feature map is upsampled and reconstructed to obtain a clear high-resolution image. the experimental results show that compared with the LatticeNet model, the peak signal-to-noise ratio of the proposed algorithm is improved by 0.14 dB, and the structural similarity is improved by 0.001 at 4× super resolution on the BSD100 dataset. In addition, the local texture details of the reconstructed image are also clearer in subjective visualization.
residual networksuper-resolutionwide activationattention mechanismdense connectivity
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