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2.河南晶华膜技真空科技有限公司,河南 焦作 454150
3.中国原子能科学研究院,北京 102413
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ZHENG Jinhua, MEI Shiyang, LI Zhixiong, et al. Effect of magnetic field and target-substrate distance on properties of CrAlN films. [J]. Optics and Precision Engineering 31(18):2627-2635(2023)
ZHENG Jinhua, MEI Shiyang, LI Zhixiong, et al. Effect of magnetic field and target-substrate distance on properties of CrAlN films. [J]. Optics and Precision Engineering 31(18):2627-2635(2023) DOI: 10.37188/OPE.20233118.2627.
为了改善CrAlN薄膜与基材间的结合强度,提高其耐磨性能。利用阴极弧溅射技术,在45钢基材上沉积了CrAlN薄膜。分析了磁场和靶基距对CrAlN薄膜性能的作用机理,考察了磁场对薄膜的厚度、表面形貌、结合力以及耐磨性能的影响,同时与无磁场时沉积的薄膜进行了对比。结果表明:薄膜膜厚、表面粗糙度、液滴沉积尺寸及数量随着靶基距增大而减小;相较于无磁场样品,有磁场样品的表面粗糙度更小,曲率半径更大,结合力得到了提高。有磁场时界面结合力约为60 N,且随着靶基距变化不大,而无磁场时结合力变化较大。两者在同条件下对比,结合力提高了20%~80%不等;薄膜摩擦系数与磨损率随靶基距增大而减小,同靶基距时有磁场样品的摩擦系数及磨损率较小。当存在磁场且靶基距在160~180 mm时,沉积的CrAlN薄膜性能最优。该研究结果为制备具有更高性能的CrAlN薄膜提供了重要参考。
To improve the binding strength between a chromium aluminum nitride (CrAlN) film and substrate and enhance the film's wear resistance, a CrAlN film was deposited on a 45 steel substrate via cathodic arc sputtering. The influence mechanisms of a magnetic field and the target-substrate distance on the properties of the CrAlN film were analyzed. In addition, the effects of the magnetic field on the film's thickness, surface morphology, binding force, and wear resistance were investigated and compared with those for a film deposited without a magnetic field. The results revealed that the film thickness, surface roughness, droplet size, and number of droplets decreased with an increase in the target-substrate distance. Compared with the sample deposited without a magnetic field, the surface roughness values of the samples deposited with a magnetic field were smaller, the radii of curvature of the films were larger, and the binding forces were better. The interfacial binding force was approximately 60 N with the magnetic field, and it changed little with the target-substrate distance, whereas the binding force changed significantly without a magnetic field. When the two types of samples were subjected to the same conditions, the binding force increased by 20%-80%. The friction coefficient and wear rate of the film decreased with an increase in the target-substrate distance, and the friction coefficient and wear rate of the sample with a magnetic field were smaller at the same target-substrate distance. When a magnetic field was applied and the target-substrate distance was 160-180 mm, the deposited CrAlN film exhibited the best performance. These results provide important references for the preparation of high-performance CrAlN films.
magnetic fieldtarget-substrate distancedropletbinding forcewear rate
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