1.上海工程技术大学 机械与汽车工程学院,上海 松江 201620
2.格鲁斯特大学 计算与工程学院,英国 切尔滕纳姆 GL50 2RH
3.中国科学院 长春光学精密机械与物理研究所,吉林 长春 130033
4.上海交通大学 机械与动力工程学院 机械系统与振动国家重点实验室,上海 200240
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CHEN Yunzhuang, LAI Leijie, LI Pengzhi, et al. Full leaf-spring type spatial large-stroke parallel flexure micro-positioning stage and trajectory control. [J]. Optics and Precision Engineering 31(18):2675-2686(2023)
CHEN Yunzhuang, LAI Leijie, LI Pengzhi, et al. Full leaf-spring type spatial large-stroke parallel flexure micro-positioning stage and trajectory control. [J]. Optics and Precision Engineering 31(18):2675-2686(2023) DOI: 10.37188/OPE.20233118.2675.
为了解决传统微定位平台运动范围小、寄生运动和交叉轴耦合严重导致运动精度低等问题,提出了一种音圈电机驱动的全簧片式大行程、空间多自由度并联柔性解耦微定位平台。首先,介绍了含簧片型柔性球铰的大行程多自由度并联柔性机构的结构和变形原理。接着,以空间三自由度为例,推导了动平台的运动学方程,建立了机构的输入刚度模型,并基于柔度矩阵法对柔性球铰进行了柔度建模和设计,从而确定了微定位平台的参数。此外,分别对三自由度方向进行了系统动力学模型辨识,并基于模型设计了一种相位超前PI反馈控制结合滑模前馈控制的复合控制器。最后,搭建了平台实验系统来验证其轨迹跟踪性能。实验结果表明:与经典的PID控制相比,该复合控制方法能够使得轨迹跟踪性能提高95%以上,加入的滑模前馈也能够有效消除单纯反馈控制产生的相位滞后。并且,所提出的多自由度微定位平台能够实现±3.23 mm×±21.50 mrad×±20.30 mrad的运动范围,具有行程大、稳定性好和精度高等特点,可以用于许多需要大行程高精度的空间定位场合。
To address the drawbacks of the traditional micropositioning stage, such as the small range of motion, low motion accuracy caused by parasitic motion, and serious cross-axis coupling, this paper proposes a full leaf-spring parallel flexure decoupling micropositioning stage driven by a voice coil motor with large-stroke and multiple degrees of freedom (multi-DOF). First, the structure and deformation principle of the long-stroke multi-DOF parallel flexure mechanism with a leaf-spring type flexure spherical joint are introduced. Second, considering 3-DOF as an example, the kinematic equation of the moving platform is derived, the input stiffness model of the mechanism is established, and the compliance modeling and design of the flexure spherical joint are provided based on the compliance matrix method to determine the parameters of the micropositioning stage. Additionally, the models of the system dynamics are identified for 3-DOF. On the basis of the models, a composite controller of phase advanced proportional-integral (PI) feedback control combined with sliding mode feedforward control is designed. Finally, a stage experimental system is developed to verify its trajectory tracking performance. Experimental results indicate that, compared with the classical proportional-integral-derivative (PID) control, the compound control method can improve the track tracking performance by more than 95% and that the added sliding mode feedforward effectively eliminates the phase lag caused by simple feedback control. Meanwhile, the proposed multi-DOF micropositioning stage can achieve a motion with ±3.23 mm×±21.50 mrad×±20.30 mrad. It has the characteristics of large stroke, good stability, and high accuracy, which are applicable in many spatial positioning situations that require large travel and high accuracy.
parallel flexure mechanismvoice coil motorlarge strokeleaf-spring type flexure spherical jointphase advanced PI controllersliding mode controller
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