1.汕头大学 智能制造技术教育部重点实验室, 广东 汕头 515063
2.大连理工大学 微纳米技术及系统辽宁省重点实验室, 辽宁 大连 116023
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LING Siying,LIU Yuanhang,GONG Haifeng,et al.Research of ultra-precision gear pitch artifact based on dividing mechanism with multi-tooth position[J].Optics and Precision Engineering,2023,31(20):2951-2963.
凌四营,刘远航,龚海锋等.基于多齿定位分度机构的高精度齿距样板的研制[J].光学精密工程,2023,31(20):2951-2963. DOI: 10.37188/OPE.20233120.2951.
LING Siying,LIU Yuanhang,GONG Haifeng,et al.Research of ultra-precision gear pitch artifact based on dividing mechanism with multi-tooth position[J].Optics and Precision Engineering,2023,31(20):2951-2963. DOI: 10.37188/OPE.20233120.2951.
齿距样板是用于校准齿轮测量仪器齿距累积总偏差测量示值误差、单个齿距偏差测量重复性和回转台角定位误差的标准计量器具。为研制高精度齿距样板,本文首先基于误差均化原理设计了一种多齿定位爪用于磨齿机定位分度机构,然后对多齿定位分度机构的误差均化效应和分度精度保持性进行了数据仿真,最后分别采用单齿和多齿定位分度机构进行了对比加工实验。实验结果表明:相较于单齿定位分度机构,采用多齿定位分度机构时被加工齿距样板的单个齿距偏差降低了30.0%~36.4%;齿距累积总偏差降低了30.4%~48%,最终实现了法向模数,m,n,=4 mm、齿数,z,=30、单个齿距偏差,f,p,=0.6 μm、齿距累积总偏差,F,p,=1.4 μm的齿距样板的超精密加工,其齿距精度优于圆柱齿轮国家标准GB/T 10095.1-2022对该规格1级精度齿距公差的要求(,f,pT,=1.7 μm,,F,pT,=5.0 μm),本研究为高精度齿距样板的制造提供了支撑。
Gear pitch artifacts are measurement standards used to calibrate the indication error of total cumulative deviation, the measurement repeatability of individual pitch deviation, and the angular positioning error of the rotary table of gear measuring instruments. A multitooth positioning claw was constructed based on the error-homogenization principle for the indexing mechanism of a gear grinding machine to develop high-precision gear pitch artifacts. Next, simulations for the error homogenization and indexing accuracy retention of the multitooth positioning indexing mechanism were conducted. Finally, a comparative machining experiment of the gear pitch artifacts was performed based on single-tooth and multitooth positioning indexing mechanisms. Compared to the single-tooth positioning indexing mechanism, the multitooth positioning indexing mechanism decreased the single-pitch deviation of the ground gears by 11.1%-36.4% and the total cumulative pitch deviation by 30.4%-48%. This resulted in ultraprecision grinding of a gear pitch artifact with a normal modulus ,m,n,=4 mm, a number of teeth ,z,=30, an individual pitch deviation ,f,p,=0.6 μm, and a total accumulated tooth pitch deviation ,F,p,=1.4 μm. The pitch deviations of the proposed gear pitch artifacts satisfy the specifications of the Chinese national standard for cylindrical gears (GB/T10095.1-2022) for Class-1 pitch tolerances (,f,pT,=1.7 μm; ,F,pT,=5.0 μm). This study provides a valuable reference for the ultraprecision machining of gear pitch artifacts.
pitch deviationsgear pitch artifactdividing mechanismgear grinding machine
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