1.国防科技大学 智能科学学院,湖南 长沙 410073
2.清华大学 深圳国际研究生院,广东 深圳 518055
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王国超,黄光耀,朱凌晓等.780 nm波段高分光比消偏振分光片的制备及测试[J].光学精密工程,2023,31(21):3088-3095.
WANG Guochao,HUANG Guangyao,ZHU Lingxiao,et al.Fabrication and performance evaluation of nonpolarizing beam splitter with high splitting ratio in 780 nm band[J].Optics and Precision Engineering,2023,31(21):3088-3095.
王国超,黄光耀,朱凌晓等.780 nm波段高分光比消偏振分光片的制备及测试[J].光学精密工程,2023,31(21):3088-3095. DOI: 10.37188/OPE.20233121.3088.
WANG Guochao,HUANG Guangyao,ZHU Lingxiao,et al.Fabrication and performance evaluation of nonpolarizing beam splitter with high splitting ratio in 780 nm band[J].Optics and Precision Engineering,2023,31(21):3088-3095. DOI: 10.37188/OPE.20233121.3088.
消偏振分光片是空间光学中的重要分光元件,为了实现780 nm波段激光在大分光比条件下的稳定分光输出,设计并制备了一种高分光比消偏振分光片。使用TFCalc软件仿真设计了双面消偏振分光膜系,通过离子束辅助电子束热蒸镀技术制备了消偏振分光片样品。然后,使用透射电子显微镜、分光光度计对所制备样品进行了测量表征,得到了分光片的实际薄膜结构及透射光谱,光谱结果显示该分光片的透射率接近98%,s偏振光与p偏振光的透射率偏差小于0.3%。最后,搭建测试光路对分光片进行变偏振方向、变波长及长时间稳定性等测试。实验结果表明:该分光片在目标波段内的透射率接近98%,偏振方向大范围变化时透射率偏差小于0.2%,波长在772~792 nm内变化时透射率波动小于0.12%;10 h长时结果显示,当平均时间为100 s时,分光比与透射率的Allan方差分别为,,https://html.publish.founderss.cn/rc-pub/api/common/picture?pictureId=50045544&type=,https://html.publish.founderss.cn/rc-pub/api/common/picture?pictureId=50045531&type=,16.34066582,2.62466669,和,,https://html.publish.founderss.cn/rc-pub/api/common/picture?pictureId=50045554&type=,https://html.publish.founderss.cn/rc-pub/api/common/picture?pictureId=50045551&type=,16.34066582,2.62466669,。所提出的消偏振分光片具有良好的消偏振性能,可直接应用于光学测试计量和量子传感探测等精密测量领域。
The unpolarizing beam splitter is a critical beam-splitting element in space optics. A high-splitting-ratio unpolarizing beam splitter was designed and fabricated in this study to achieve a stable output of a 780 nm band laser with a large splitting ratio. First, the double-sided unpolarizing film system was simulated and designed using TFCalc. Next, unpolarizing beam splitter samples were fabricated using ion beam-assisted deposition. Subsequently, the samples were measured and characterized using transmission electron microscopy and spectrophotometry, and the actual film structure and transmission spectrum were obtained. The spectral results showed that the transmittance of the beam splitter was close to 98%, and the transmittance deviation |,T,s, -,T,p,| was lower than 0.3%. Finally, the actual performance of the beam splitter was experimentally evaluated. The experimental results show that the transmittance of the beam splitter is close to 98% in the target wavelength band, and the transmittance deviation |,T,s, -,T,p,| is lower than 0.2% when the polarization direction changed in a broad range. The transmittance fluctuation is lower than 0.12% at 772-792 nm. The 10 h long-term results indicated that when the average time is 100 s, the Allan variances of the split ratio and transmittance are 1.4×10,-3, and 4.12×10,-5,, respectively. The proposed unpolarizing beam splitter exhibits good depolarization performance and can be directly applied to precision measurement fields, such as optical test metrology and quantum-sensing detection.
nonpolarizingbeam splitterfilm system designhigh splitting ratio
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