1.济南大学 机械工程学院,山东 济南 250022
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MENG Xiangzhou,LI Yingjun,WANG Guicong,et al.Face recognition algorithm incorporating CBAM and Siamese neural network[J].Optics and Precision Engineering,2023,31(21):3192-3202.
孟祥周,李映君,王桂从等.融合卷积块注意力模块和Siamese神经网络的人脸识别算法[J].光学精密工程,2023,31(21):3192-3202. DOI: 10.37188/OPE.20233121.3192.
MENG Xiangzhou,LI Yingjun,WANG Guicong,et al.Face recognition algorithm incorporating CBAM and Siamese neural network[J].Optics and Precision Engineering,2023,31(21):3192-3202. DOI: 10.37188/OPE.20233121.3192.
针对传统人脸识别方法识别性能较差,基于深度学习的方法在非限制条件下识别较为困难,人脸特征区分性弱,识别精度容易受到姿势、表情等方面影响的问题,提出了一种引入卷积块注意力模块的孪生神经网络模型结构。该结构是基于孪生神经网络(Siamese neural network)的基础框架进行改进的,在框架中引入改进的VGG11_BN模型进行特征提取。该模型是在VGG11结构的基础上引入批归一化(Batch Normalization,BN)技术,在原模型结构的基础上,提出引入CBAM混合注意力机制的特征提取网络;最后,针对目前亚洲人的人脸识别训练较少的情况,采用更加符合亚洲人脸特征的CASIA-FaceV5数据集进行识别训练。实验结果表明:本文算法在人脸识别方面的准确率达到了96.67%,并且在CAS-PEAL-R1人脸数据集上比SRGES,VGG11+siamese算法的准确率分别提升6.05%,6.7%。该算法可以在多因素影响下更好地进行人脸识别验证,具有良好的稳定性。
Traditional face recognition methods have poor recognition performance; deep learning-based methods face difficulty recognizing under unrestricted conditions, face features are weakly differentiated, and recognition accuracy is easily affected by pose and expression. To address this, a twin neural network model structure that introduces a Convolutional Block Attention Module (CBAM) hybrid attention mechanism is proposed. First, the algorithm structure based on the basic framework of the Siamese neural network was improved and the improved VGG11 into the framework is introduced. The BN model for feature extraction is used, which introduces batch normalization (BN) technology based on the VGG11 structure. Second, a feature extraction network incorporating a CBAM mixed attention mechanism was introduced based on the original model structure. Finally, in response to the lack of facial recognition training for Asians, the CASIA-FaceV5 dataset was employed, which is more aligned with Asian facial features, for recognition training. The experimental results show that the algorithm’s accuracy reaches 96.67% in face recognition, and the accuracy on CAS-PEAL-R1 face dataset is 6.05% and 6.7% higher than that of SRGES and VGG11+siamese algorithms, respectively. The algorithm in this study can better verify facial recognition under multiple factors, has good robustness, and greater application value.
face recognitionSiamese neural networkdeep learningattention mechanismrobustness
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