1.内蒙古科技大学 信息工程学院,内蒙古 包头市 014010
2.内蒙古工业大学 信息工程学院,内蒙古 呼和浩特 010051
Published:25 February 2024,
Received:05 April 2023,
Revised:09 May 2023,
SONG Jianli,LÜ Xiaoqi,GU Yu.Brain tumor image segmentation based on Semantic Flow Guided Sampling and Attention Mechanism[J].Optics and Precision Engineering,2024,32(04):565-577.
宋建丽,吕晓琪,谷宇.语义流引导采样结合注意力机制的脑肿瘤图像分割[J].光学精密工程,2024,32(04):565-577. DOI: 10.37188/OPE.20243204.0565.
SONG Jianli,LÜ Xiaoqi,GU Yu.Brain tumor image segmentation based on Semantic Flow Guided Sampling and Attention Mechanism[J].Optics and Precision Engineering,2024,32(04):565-577. DOI: 10.37188/OPE.20243204.0565.
U型网络结构的脑肿瘤自动分割方法由于多次卷积和采样操作会造成信息损失,导致分割效果不佳。为解决这一问题,提出了能够利用语义信息流引导上采样特征恢复的特征对齐单元,并在此基础上设计轻量级的双重注意力特征对齐网络(DAFANet)。首先,将特征对齐单元分别引入3D UNet、DMFNet和HDCNet三个经典网络,以验证其有效性和泛化性。其次,在DMFNet基础上构造轻量级的双重注意力特征对齐网络DAFANet,利用特征对齐单元强化上采样过程中的特征恢复,3D期望最大化注意力机制同时作用于特征对齐路径和级联路径,用于重点获取上下文的全程依赖关系。同时使用广义Dice损失函数提升数据不平衡时的分割精度并加快模型收敛。最后,在BraTS2018和BraTS2019公开数据集进行验证,文中所提算法在ET,WT和TC区域的分割精度分别达到80.44%,90.07%,84.57%和78.11%,90.10%,82.21%。相较于当前流行的分割网络,具有对增强肿瘤区域更好的分割效果,更擅长处理细节和边缘信息。
The automatic segmentation method for brain tumors based on a U-shaped network structure often suffers from information loss due to multiple convolution and sampling operations, resulting in suboptimal segmentation results. To address this issue, this study proposed a feature alignment unit that utilizes semantic information flow to guide the up-sampling feature recovery and design designed a lightweight Dual Attention Feature Alignment Network (DAFANet) based on this unit.Firstly, to validate its effectiveness and generalization, the feature alignment unit was introduced separately into three classic networks, namely 3D UNet, DMFNet, and HDCNet. Secondly, a lightweight dual-attention feature alignment network named DAFANet was proposed based on DMFNet. The feature alignment unit enhanced feature restoration in the up-sampling process, and a 3D Expectation-Maximization attention mechanism was applied to both the feature alignment path and cascade path to capture the full contextual dependency. The generalized Dice loss function was also used to improve segmentation accuracy in the case of data imbalance and accelerate model convergence.Finally, the proposed algorithm is validated on the BraTS2018 and BraTS2019 public datasets, achieving segmentation accuracies of 80.44%, 90.07%, 84.57% and 78.11%, 90.10%, 82.21% in the ET, WT, and TC regions, respectively.Compared to current popular segmentation networks, the proposed algorithm demonstrates better segmentation performance in enhancing tumor regions and is more adept at handling details and edge information.
brain tumorsimage segmentationfeature alignmentattention mechanismlightweight
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