AN Qichang,WU Xiaoxia,TANG Jing,et al.Control method of active optical telescope with multiple mirrors and large field of view[J].Optics and Precision Engineering,2024,32(06):785-791.
AN Qichang,WU Xiaoxia,TANG Jing,et al.Control method of active optical telescope with multiple mirrors and large field of view[J].Optics and Precision Engineering,2024,32(06):785-791. DOI: 10.37188/OPE.20243206.0785.
Control method of active optical telescope with multiple mirrors and large field of view
In order to achieve better wavefront aberration suppression and higher detection ability for active telescopes with multiple mirrors and large fields of view, this paper investigated wavefront sensing based on the single-shot curvature sensor at the edge of the telescope's field of view, and realize system control based on analysis of spatial characteristics using power spectrum. Firstly, based on the theory of complex light field, the basic principle and characteristic law of multi surface wavefront control were expressed. Secondly, the accuracy characteristics of this method in the control process of multi mirror large field of view active optical telescopes were analyzed. Thirdly, the feasibility of controlling was verified using desktop experiments. Finally, the correlation between the wavefront reconstruction results and the theoretical wavefront is higher than 0.85. Using power spectrum, the spatial frequency characteristics sensitivity of each field of view are improved by 20%, compared to root mean square.
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