1.江苏科技大学 计算机学院, 江苏 镇江 212000
2.南京大学 计算机软件新技术国家重点实验室, 江苏 南京 210046
Received:07 September 2023,
Revised:14 November 2023,
Published:25 March 2024
王成根,史金龙,诸皓伟等.基于实例分割与光流的动态场景RGB-D SLAM[J].光学精密工程,2024,32(06):857-867.
WANG Chenggen,SHI Jinlong,ZHU Haowei,et al.RGB-D SLAM method of dynamic scene based on instance segmentation and optical flow[J].Optics and Precision Engineering,2024,32(06):857-867.
王成根,史金龙,诸皓伟等.基于实例分割与光流的动态场景RGB-D SLAM[J].光学精密工程,2024,32(06):857-867. DOI: 10.37188/OPE.20243206.0857.
WANG Chenggen,SHI Jinlong,ZHU Haowei,et al.RGB-D SLAM method of dynamic scene based on instance segmentation and optical flow[J].Optics and Precision Engineering,2024,32(06):857-867. DOI: 10.37188/OPE.20243206.0857.
为了提高动态场景RGB-D SLAM中相机位姿精度,基于实例分割与光流算法,提出一种高精度RGB-D SLAM方法。首先,通过实例分割算法检测出场景中的物体,删除非刚性物体并构造语义地图。接着,通过光流信息计算运动残差,检测场景中动态刚性物体,并在语义地图中追踪这些动态刚性物体。然后,删除每一帧中非刚性物体和动态刚性物体上的动态特征点,利用其他稳定的特征点优化相机位姿。最后,通过TSDF模型重建静态背景,并以点云的形式显示动态刚性物体。在TUM和Bonn数据集中测试表明,本文方法与当前最先进的SLAM工作ACEFusion相比相机精度提升约43%。消融实验结果表明,保留动态刚性物体处于静止状态下的特征点对相机位姿估计结果提升约37%。稠密建图实验结果表明,本文方法在动态场景中重建结果优于当前先进的工作,平均重建误差为0.042 m。代码开源在
A new method for improving the accuracy of camera pose estimation in RGB-D SLAM of dynamic scenes was proposed. This method was based on instance segmentation and optical flow. The first step was to detect objects in the scene using instance segmentation, eliminate non-rigid objects, and construct a semantic map. The second step involved calculating motion residuals through optical flow information, detecting dynamic rigid objects, and tracking them in the semantic map. Next, dynamic feature points on non-rigid objects and dynamic rigid objects in each frame were removed, and the camera pose was optimized using stable feature points. Finally, the static background was reconstructed using the TSDF model, and the dynamic rigid objects were displayed as point clouds. Tests conducted on the TUM and Bonn datasets demonstrate that Compared with the most advanced work ACEFusion, the method proposed in this article improves camera accuracy by approximately 43%. The results show that retaining feature points of dynamic rigid objects in a static state can significantly improve camera pose estimation results. The dense mapping experiments show that our method outperforms better in dynamic 3D reconstruction, the average reconstruction error is 0.042 m. Our code is available at
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