1.中国工程物理研究院 机械制造工艺研究所,四川 绵阳 621900
2.中国科学院 长春光学精密机械与物理研究所,吉林 长春 130033
[ "海 阔(1991-),男,吉林吉林人,博士,工程师。2015年于西安交通大学获得理学学士学位,2020年于长春光机所获得博士学位。主要从事光学精密与超精密加工与检测方面的研究。E-mail:824639163@qq.com" ]
[ "曾雪锋(1987-),男,江西省抚州人,博士,副研究员,2009年于南京理工大学获工学学士学位,2014年于长春光机所获得博士学位。主要从事先进光学制造技术方面研究。E-mail:zengxf@ciomp.ac.cn" ]
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海阔, 曾雪锋, 李锐钢, 等. 预置曲率研磨盘提高行星研磨技术去除函数稳定性[J]. 光学精密工程, 2021,29(7):1620-1630.
Kuo HAI, Xue-feng ZENG, Rui-gang LI, et al. Method for improving the stability of removal function of planetary grinding technology by presetting curvature grinding disk[J]. Optics and Precision Engineering, 2021,29(7):1620-1630.
海阔, 曾雪锋, 李锐钢, 等. 预置曲率研磨盘提高行星研磨技术去除函数稳定性[J]. 光学精密工程, 2021,29(7):1620-1630. DOI: 10.37188/OPE.20212907.1620.
Kuo HAI, Xue-feng ZENG, Rui-gang LI, et al. Method for improving the stability of removal function of planetary grinding technology by presetting curvature grinding disk[J]. Optics and Precision Engineering, 2021,29(7):1620-1630. DOI: 10.37188/OPE.20212907.1620.
行星研磨技术由于提升磨削接触点相对速度,能够有效提高材料去除效率。但由于传统研磨盘不均匀磨损,导致研磨盘形状持续改变,从而影响了研磨过程中去除函数的稳定性和准确性,限制了该技术的应用。本文针对基于小磨头行星运动方式,通过建立构建磨损函数,预置研磨盘曲率半径,使研磨盘满足在加工单周期后各点去除量相等,从而提升去除函数稳定性。通过实验验证,研磨去除函数与模型仿真计算结果一致,验证了模型的准确性,利用优化后的研磨盘可获得高效稳定的去除函数。采用直径40 mm SiC研磨盘研磨SiC工件,实验结果表明:对比加工前后研磨盘磨损情况,面形变化小于1%,符合均匀去除要求;对比多组不同研磨阶段去除函数,体积去除率误差小于2.3%,满足光学研磨去除函数稳定性要求;在公转100 r·min,-,1,,自转-100 r·min,-,1,条件下,体积去除率达到6.879 mm,3,·min,-,1,,比同样参数下的平转动研磨提高了40.9%的去除量。证明了行星研磨技术能够通过参数设计获得高稳定性的高效去除函数,为行星运动研磨技术应用于SiC镜片高效加工提了供可靠的理论指导。
Planetary grinding technology can effectively improve material removal efficiency by improving the relative velocity of grinding contact points. However, the uneven wear of the traditional grinding disk (or grinding plate) results in the continuous change of the shape of the grinding disk, which affects the stability and accuracy of the removal function in the grinding process, and also limits the application of this technology. In this study, based on the planetary motion mode of a small grinding head, the wear function was established and the curvature radius of the grinding disk was preset to ensure that the removal amount at each point of the grinding disk was equal after a single processing cycle to improve the removal function stability. Experimental verification was also carried out, and the grinding removal function was found to be consistent with the simulation calculation results obtained using the model, which verified the accuracy of the model. Finally, an efficient and stable removal function was obtained by using the optimized grinding disk. A SiC grinding disk with a diameter of 40 mm was used to grind the SiC workpiece. The experimental results showed that the surface shape changed by less than 1% after comparing the wear of the disk before and after machining, and the volume removal error was less than 2.3%, which meets the stability requirements of the optical grinding removal function. Under the conditions of revolution at 100 r·min,-,1, and rotation at ,-,100 r·min,-,1,, the volume removal rate reached 6.879 mm,3,·min,-,1,. Compared with the single rotation grinding with the same parameters, the removal amount of 40.9% was increased, which proved that the planetary grinding technology can obtain a highly stable and efficient removal function based on parameter design, and provided reliable theoretical guidance for the application of planetary motion grinding technology in the efficient processing of SiC mirror.
Optical processingPlanetary motion grindingWear model of grinding plateStability of removal function
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