1.中国科学院 长春光学精密机械与物理研究所,吉林 长春130033
[ "于亚琼(1990-),女,甘肃民勤人,硕士研究生,2014年于湖南大学获得学士学位,主要从事自由曲面光学系统设计研究。E-mail: yaqiongyu@163.com" ]
[ "王灵杰(1979-),男,江苏金坛人,研究员,硕士生导师,2002年于天津大学获得学士学位,2007于中国科学院长春光学精密机械与物理研究所获得硕士学位,主要从事自由曲面光学系统设计、红外光学系统设计、空间光学载荷等方面研究。E-mail: wanglingjie@126.com" ]
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于亚琼, 王灵杰, 赵尚男, 等. 二维大视场离轴反射式光学系统设计[J]. 光学精密工程, 2023,31(14):2019-2030.
YU Yaqiong, WANG Lingjie, ZHAO Shangnan, et al. Optical design of the off-axis reflective system with wide fov[J]. Optics and Precision Engineering, 2023,31(14):2019-2030.
于亚琼, 王灵杰, 赵尚男, 等. 二维大视场离轴反射式光学系统设计[J]. 光学精密工程, 2023,31(14):2019-2030. DOI: 10.37188/OPE.20233114.2019.
YU Yaqiong, WANG Lingjie, ZHAO Shangnan, et al. Optical design of the off-axis reflective system with wide fov[J]. Optics and Precision Engineering, 2023,31(14):2019-2030. DOI: 10.37188/OPE.20233114.2019.
宽视场光学成像系统可以增大光学遥感器观测范围、提高探测效率。近年来,基于自由曲面的光学系统设计和制造取得了重大进展,为设计大视场、大相对孔径、高分辨率、高成像质量、无遮挡离轴反射系统提供了可能性。首先,分析了大视场离轴反射系统的像差特性,指出当不断增加系统视场角,尤其是子午方向视场角时,与视场相关的非对称高级像差量将剧烈增加;像场连续性要求更加凸显。接着,提出了一种二维大视场长焦距离轴光学系统设计方法:在常规光学系统初始结构基础上,采用多重结构形式,使子午方向视场角离散化,光学系统特定曲面分解为两个子曲面;并构建系统约束条件,通过约束系统外形尺寸、优化系统结构形式进而完成系统优化设计。最后,基于提出的方法,设计了一款焦距为1 000 mm,像方F数为10,视场角为40°×16°的自由曲面离轴四反光学系统。设计结果表明:该系统全视场范围内成像质量较好,50 lp/mm的特征频率下,400~750 nm可见光波段内光学调制传递函数优于0.26,证明该方法切实有效。
Generally, the observation ranges and detection efficiencies of optical remote sensors can be enhanced using wide-field optical imaging systems. Accordingly, the design and manufacturing of freeform-surface-based optical systems have achieved significant progress recently, making the construction of wide-field, rapid, higher-quality-resolution and -imaging, and obstacle-free off-axis reflection systems feasible. The first part of this paper presents a detailed analysis of the aberration characteristics of an off-axis reflection system. This asymmetric higher level aberration increases dramatically as the field of view (FOV), specifically the meridional FOV, of the system increases. These characteristics place a prominent requirement on image field continuity. The second part of this paper presents a new design approach for two-dimensional (2-D) large FOV optical systems with long focal lengths. First, we built multiple structural forms based on conventional optical systems, leading to a discretized meridional field angle, and with certain specific surfaces of the optical system decomposed into two sub-surfaces. Following this, system optimization was achieved by constraining the system size and improving its structural form. Finally, we designed the off-axis reflective freeform surface optical system. The imaging quality was good within the entire FOV, realizing 2-D large-field imaging of 40°×16°, a focal length of 1 m, and an F-number of 10. The test results prove that the proposed design is good, yielding an optical modulation transfer function of better than 0.26, particularly in the visible spectrum of 400-750 nm with a characteristic frequency of 50 lp/mm.
optical designoff-axis reflection systemfreeform surfacewide field-of-viewsurface decomposition
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