1.上海工程技术大学 机械与汽车工程学院 机器人研究所,上海 201620
2.上海市大型构件智能制造机器人技术协同创新中心,上海 201620
[ "王昊祥(1997-),男,硕士研究生,主要研究方向为光纤光栅传感。E-mail:1721363310@qq.com" ]
[ "冯 艳(1976-),女,博士,教授,主要研究方向为光纤光栅传感、智能机器人触觉感知等。E-mail:xmfy0833@sina.com" ]
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WANG Haoxiang,FENG Yan,PAN Ruizhi,et al.Bionic tracing of human and robotic arm based on FBG's wavelength-electric conversion[J].Optics and Precision Engineering,2023,31(23):3414-3425.
王昊祥,冯艳,潘睿智等.光纤光栅波电转换的人机仿生跟随[J].光学精密工程,2023,31(23):3414-3425. DOI: 10.37188/OPE.20233123.3414.
WANG Haoxiang,FENG Yan,PAN Ruizhi,et al.Bionic tracing of human and robotic arm based on FBG's wavelength-electric conversion[J].Optics and Precision Engineering,2023,31(23):3414-3425. DOI: 10.37188/OPE.20233123.3414.
为拓展光纤光栅在机器人智能感知领域的应用,设计了光纤光栅感知护具并研发了光纤光栅波电转换系统及其人机仿生跟随的交互操控算法。感知护具中设置有3个光纤布拉格光栅传感单元,主要包括弹性绳的拉力环。通过拉力环对光纤光栅施加预紧力,可有效避免由于衣物或皮肤聚集引起的牵引力方向偏移。光纤光栅波电转换系统对人体手臂的肘关节弯曲角度、腕关节俯仰角度、指关节开合角度进行运动姿态特征提取,分别对应控制机械臂的方向、高度和机械爪开合角度。构建了人体手臂运动角度范围和机械臂运动角度量程的对应关系,获取了检测系数和控制系数,最终通过动态实时波长与PWM控制电信号的转换推导出系统的波电转换系数。实验结果显示,在实验量程内,机械臂的方向、高度、开合控制输出的波电转换系数最大累积误差分别是0.771 11%,1.992 91%,0.341 17%,3个控制角度的输出偏差分别为1.135 60°,1.720 56°,1.826 57°。光纤光栅波电转换的仿生跟随方法具有良好的控制精度,实现了机械臂运动与人体手臂运动的仿生跟随,为智能机器人仿生跟随的深入研究奠定了理论基础。
To expand the application of fiber Bragg grating sensors in the field of robotic intelligent sensing, we have designed a novel FBG forearm sensing sheath. In this workstudy, a wavelength -electric conversion control system and the an algorithm forof human-computer bionic tracing were developed. There were three FBG sensing units including tension rings in the forearm sensing sheath. The tension rings made of spandex polyurethane fibers exerted a pre-tightening force on FBGs, which could effectively avoid the traction direction deviation caused by clothing or skin gathering. The joint movements caused the spandex polyurethane fibers to drive the FBGs stretch or axial contractionng axially and the wavelengths shift of FBGs' wavelengths shift. Thereafter, the wavelength-electric conversion control system transfered the motion posture features of human elbow bending angle ,α,, wrist pitching angle ,β,, and knuckle joint motion angle ,γ, to the robot arm's direction ,θ,, height ,φ,, and mechanical claw opening and closing angle ,ψ,, respectively. By deducing the relationship between the range of the human joint movement's range and the output range of the robot arm, the detection coefficient and the control coefficient were obtained. Then, the wavelength-electric conversion coefficient was deduced by converting the dynamic wavelength to the control electric signal in real-time. The experimental results demonstrate that this wavelength -electric conversion control system can make the robotic arm trace the human elbow bending, wrist pitching, and finger joint motion with good linear responses. Within the experimental range, the maximum cumulative error of wavelength-electric conversion coefficient of direction, height, and open/close control output are 0.771 11%,1.992 91%, and 0.341 17%, and the deviation of three control angle outputs are 1.135 60°, 1.720 56°, and 1.826 57°, respectively. The wavelength -electric conversion control system has good control accuracy and it can make the robotic arm track human forearm movements . The research results can provide a theoretical basis to further develop the FBG sensing system of bionic tracing for the robotic arm.
optical fiber Bragg gratingbionic tracingwave-electric conversionposture feature
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