1.中山大学 物理与天文学院,广东 珠海 519082
2.中山大学·深圳 先进制造学院,广东 深圳 518033
[ "赵子菁(1998-),女,天津人,硕士研究生,2019年于南京航空航天大学获得学士学位,主要从事航空航天控制方面的研究。E-mail: 1301562795@qq.com" ]
[ "赵宏超(1985-),男,山东泰安人,副教授,硕士生导师,2014年于中国科学院大学获得博士学位,主要从事精密光学系统、超精超稳结构的研制工作。E-mail:zhaohongch@mail.sysu.edu.cn" ]
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ZHAO Zijing,LIU Yanfu,ZHAO Hongchao,et al.Pointing stability control method for super stable satellite based on composite axis control[J].Optics and Precision Engineering,2023,31(23):3438-3448.
赵子菁,刘彦甫,赵宏超等.基于复合轴控制原理的卫星新型姿态稳定性调控[J].光学精密工程,2023,31(23):3438-3448. DOI: 10.37188/OPE.20233123.3438.
ZHAO Zijing,LIU Yanfu,ZHAO Hongchao,et al.Pointing stability control method for super stable satellite based on composite axis control[J].Optics and Precision Engineering,2023,31(23):3438-3448. DOI: 10.37188/OPE.20233123.3438.
为减小无拖曳卫星的残余姿态误差,设计了一种基于动量交换的指向稳定性调控机构。采用复合轴控制的原理,与无拖曳姿态控制回路相配合,可将卫星的指向稳定性精度提高到纳弧度量级,同时减少工质损耗,达到延长卫星寿命的目的。利用压电陶瓷设计了一套敏感轴动量交换机构,并基于卫星姿态动力学对小质量块运动所产生的附加干扰力矩进行推导和分析。分别对复合轴系统的主轴系统和子轴系统进行整定,计算出满足性能需求的系统带宽。采用前馈逆模型和自适应PID控制对压电陶瓷的非线性和卫星所受扰动进行补偿。最后,通过Adams和Simulink联合仿真验证系统整体的可行性。仿真结果表明:该机构的介入可以有效降低控制系统带宽,实现10 nrad·Hz,-1/2,@1 mHz~1 Hz的指向稳定性控制。
To reduce the residual attitude error of the drag-free satellite, a pointing stability control mechanism based on momentum exchange was designed. To realize nanoradian-level pointing stability accuracy for the satellite, a composite axis control method was implemented. This method work in conjunction with the drag-free attitude control loop, simultaneously reducing the consumption of working fluid in other actuators. This approach was designed to extend the satellite's operational lifespan. Firstly, the design incorporated a linear reciprocating mechanism driven by piezoelectric ceramics on the satellite. This setup allowed for the derivation and analysis of additional interference torque, which resulted from the movement of small masses. The analysis was grounded in the principles of satellite attitude dynamics. Secondly, the composite axis system's main and auxiliary axes were individually tuned, and the system's bandwidth was calculated to ensure it meets performance requirements. Following this, a feed-forward inverse model and adaptive PID control were employed. These techniques compensated for the nonlinearity of the piezoelectric ceramics and any disturbances affecting the satellites. Finally, the feasibility of the overall system was verified by an Adams and Simulink joint simulation. The simulation results show that the intervention of the mechanism can effectively reduce the bandwidth of the control system and realize high-precision pointing stability control of approximately 10 nrad·Hz,-1/2,@1 mHz~1 Hz.
drag-free satellitecomposite axis controlattitude stabilizationpiezoelectric ceramics
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