图1 Φ-OTDR系统图
电力管廊是城市里重要的基础设施,对其结构和状态进行监测及评估备受关注。本文针对电力管廊外力破坏监测的问题,提出一种基于衰减补偿的光时域差分曲线方差阈值定位振动事件的方案,并通过实验论证了其定位外破事件的准确性。该方案基于相敏型光时域反射系统架构,根据管廊外破事件引起的光纤振动导致光时域反射曲线在该事件位置处混乱度急剧增加的现象,对不同测量序列得到的光时域反射曲线作差,然后对光纤各位置对应的差值向量数据求方差,设定方差阈值定位外破事件。同时,考虑到光纤衰减导致方差阈值随距离增加而降低的问题,采用衰减补偿算法使光纤上任意散射位置对应相同的脉冲功率水平,从而修正光纤衰减对方差阈值的影响。实验搭建了分布式光纤振动传感系统,采用脉宽为30 ns、峰值功率为30 dBm的光脉冲,在约25 km的光纤范围,获得±3 m的定位精度。电力管廊外力破坏事件,具有低频、大扰动、持续长的特点,所提出系统方案通过曲线平均抑制瑞利散射衰落噪声,结合光纤衰减补偿校正散射信号幅值,从而将振动事件引起的光信号相位变化作为探测曲线波动的主导因素,以确保对外力破坏事件不漏报、不误报。
The power pipe corridor is an important infrastructure in the city, and the monitoring and evaluation of its structure and state have attracted much attention. Aiming at the problem of external failure monitoring of power pipe corridor, this paper proposed a scheme for locating vibration events based on attenuation compensation and variance threshold of optical difference time domain curve, and proved its accuracy by experiments. This scheme was based on the phase-sensitive optical time domain reflectometry system architecture. According to the phenomenon that the optical fiber vibration caused by the broken event outside the pipe corridor leaded to a sharp increase in the confusion of the optical time domain reflectometry curve at the location of the event, the optical time domain reflectometry curve obtained from different measurement sequences was differentiated, and then the difference vector data corresponding to each position of the optical fiber was evaluated and the variance threshold was set to locate the broken event. At the same time, considering the problem that the variance threshold decreased with the increase of distance due to fiber attenuation, the attenuation compensation algorithm was used to make any scattering position on the fiber correspond to the same pulse power level, so as to correct the influence of fiber attenuation on the difference threshold. A distributed fiber-optic vibration sensing system was set up in the experiment. Optical pulses with a pulse width of 30 ns and a peak power of 30 dBm were used to obtain a positioning accuracy of ±3 m in the optical fiber range of about 25 km. The external force damage event of the power pipeline gallery has the characteristics of low frequency, strong disturbance, and long duration. The proposed system scheme suppresses Rayleigh scattering fading noise through trace averaging, and combines fiber optic attenuation compensation to correct the amplitude of the scattering signal. Therefore, the phase change of the optical signal caused by vibration events is the dominant factor in trace fluctuations to ensure that external force damage events are not missed or misreported.
相位敏感光时域反射仪(Phase sensitive Optical Time Domain Reflectometer, Φ-OTDR),常用于分布式光纤振动定位[
图1 Φ-OTDR系统图
Fig.1 Schematic diagram of Φ-OTDR system
实验中,激光波长为1 550.12 nm,线宽为1.6 kHz,脉冲频率为3kHz,脉冲宽度为30 ns、峰值功率30 dBm,数据采集卡采样率为100 Msps。电力管廊外破事件,通常由挖掘机、冲击锤、重型机车等引起,一般频率在50 Hz以下,且振动强度大,对于低频、大强度事件的捕捉,监测与定位应以“稳”和“准”为目标,因此,可以适当增加曲线平均次数,降低瑞利衰落噪声的影响,确保无外破事件时时域曲线“平稳”,进而凸显外破振动事件引起的光纤中光信号相位动态变化导致的光时域反射曲线混乱度增加的特性,保证电力管廊外力破坏定位的“准确”。本实验的数据平均次数为100。目前模拟微小振动事件常用的方法是将光纤缠绕在压电陶瓷上加载周期性电压信号来模拟振动事件。然而,在实际情况中光纤的振动情况没有压电陶瓷反映得那么完美。另外,在光纤附近走动[
图2 施加振动事件的Φ-OTDR曲线
Fig.2 Φ-OTDR curve with vibration event loaded
(1) |
图3 逐差曲线
Fig.3 Differential curve
图4 数据处理流程图
Fig.4 Data process flow chart
(2) |
图5 三维时域曲线分布
Fig.5 3-D time domain curve distribution
(3) |
(4) |
(5) |
(6) |
(7) |
(8) |
图6 光时域反射曲线
Fig.6 Optical time domain reflecting curves
振动位置在24 225 m处开始,振动长度大约为20 m,因为实验是放在自然环境下,所以在实验过程中会有一些环境因素引起的振动干扰,但是这与人为敲击的干扰影响不同,不会影响最后的定位结果判断。从
图7 衰减系数补偿前后曲线对比图
Fig.7 Attenuation coefficient compensation before and after curve comparison
图8 衰减系数补偿后的差分曲线
Fig.8 Difference curve after attenuation coefficient compensation
图9 差分方差曲线间隔对比图
Fig.9 Difference variance curve interval contrast diagram
图10 定位结果图
Fig.10 Results for vibration event location
本文针对逐差定位算法在定位时无法有效地克服随机噪声的干扰导致系统容易出现误报或者错误定位的情况,提出一种基于衰减补偿的光时域差分曲线方差阈值定位算法。根据逐差曲线产生的随机噪声特性,通过运用方差阈值手段可以有效地克服随机噪声的干扰提高系统准确度。同时,考虑到光纤衰减会使散射信号幅值随距离增加而降低在进行方差阈值定位时后端阈值偏小的问题,通过采用衰减系数补偿算法,使光纤上任意散射位置对应相同的脉冲功率,进而使差分曲线在光纤上任意位置对应相同的波动幅度,解决了光纤衰减对方差阈值定位的影响。电力管廊外力破坏事件,具有低频、大扰动、持续长的特点,监测与定位应当力求“稳”和“准”,适当牺牲灵敏性而增加曲线的平均次数,可以获得更好的抗瑞利衰落噪声的效果,再结合衰减补偿算法,可凸显振动事件引起的光纤中散射光信号相位主导特性,再通过时域曲线差分及方差阈值判别算法可保证在外力破坏情况下不误报、不漏报。通过实验结果表明,在约25 km的光纤范围内实现了±3 m的定位精度,与传统的逐差定位算法相比差分方差阈值算法不仅能够准确定位扰动点而且可以降低误报率。这表明该算法在振动事件定位方面具有显著的有效性和可行性。在实时性方面相比于移动平均-移动差分算法提高了28.1%,利用FPGA数据处理模块,可以缩短第一次启动时的响应时间,在连续运行过程中,对后续振动事件的响应时间非常短,可以有效地提高系统的实时性。而且,该系统不仅成本较低且实施简单,具备较高的准确性,可以用于对电力管廊的安全监测。
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