1.大连交通大学 机械工程学院,辽宁 大连 116028
2.大连市先进机器人感知与控制技术创新中心,辽宁 大连 116028
[ "李荣华(1983-),男,河北唐山人,教授,博士生导师,2011年于大连理工大学获得博士学位,主要从事空间非合作目标构型重建、水下目标偏振特性分析、材料光学特性反演技术研究。E-mail: lironghua705@163.com" ]
[ "蔡昌烨(1999-),男,辽宁岫岩人,硕士研究生,2021年于大连交通大学获得学士学位,主要从事机器视觉及水下目标偏振特性分析研究。E-mail: 505034288@qq.com" ]
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LI Ronghua,CAI Changye,ZHANG Shenghui,et al.Polarization parameter partition optimization restoration method for underwater degraded image[J].Optics and Precision Engineering,2023,31(20):3010-3020.
李荣华,蔡昌烨,张圣辉等.水下降质图像的偏振参数分区优化复原[J].光学精密工程,2023,31(20):3010-3020. DOI: 10.37188/OPE.20233120.3010.
LI Ronghua,CAI Changye,ZHANG Shenghui,et al.Polarization parameter partition optimization restoration method for underwater degraded image[J].Optics and Precision Engineering,2023,31(20):3010-3020. DOI: 10.37188/OPE.20233120.3010.
In real water environments, common imaging problems include contrast reduction, low definition, and information attenuation. The traditional estimation method involves estimating the polarization information of the entire image. In real underwater images, the target has complex polarization characteristics, the restoration effects of some target areas are poor, and even degradation occurs. In this study, a method of polarization parameter partition optimization restoration for water-degraded images was proposed. First, the connected domain of an object with high and low polarizations was extracted after two images were processed with orthogonal polarization by block contrast enhancement and guided filtering. Based on the pixel values in the polarization image, the extraction process of high and low polarization object regions was optimized. Second, the polarization of each object was estimated, which solved the problem of incorrect estimation of complex objects in traditional global estimation methods. Finally, the image of polarization degree of backscattered light was iteratively optimized to obtain the optimal selection. Experimental results show that the subjective visual quality of the image is improved significantly. In two initial experiments, the original light intensity maps under low turbidity are compared. The measurement of enhancement by entropy (EME) value of the objective evaluation index and the contrast increases by 554% and 528% on average, respectively. In a third set of experiments, in which a comparison of the original light intensity maps in an environment of low illumination and high turbidity was conducted, the EME value and contrast are improved by 379% and 956%, respectively. Three sets of natural image quality evaluation (NIQE) indices indicate the proposed method has good performance, and a more natural image is produced. Compared with the traditional method, the proposed method can effectively restore a turbid image, increase image contrast, weaken information attenuation, and achieve a better image sharpening effect.
information attenuationincreased contrastpartition optimizationiterative optimizationimage sharpening
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